CRC Program - Cooperative Research Centres


The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Program has been a feature of the Australian Government research and innovation agenda for 30 years. It encourages and facilitates industry-led collaboration between industry and research.

Following the Miles Review, the CRC Programme puts science at the centre of industry policy, for the CRC to be the engine of innovative research to support the work of the Growth Centres and develop ideas identified by industry and Industry Growth Centres, commercialise them, and take them to domestic and international markets.There will be an increase in involvement of SMEs in the program, through reduction of perceived barriers to their participation.

The CRC Program is structured into two streams of activity:

  • traditional CRCs to support medium – to long term industry-led collaborations
    • up to 10 years; two stage application process; at least one Australian Industry Entity and Australian Research Organisation; and
  • CRC Projects (CRC-Ps) to support short term, industry-led research CRC-Ps will be smaller collaborations operating on short project timelines with simpler governance and administration arrangements and less funding.

Find out more

More information on this scheme, including critical dates and documentation can be found on the Staff Hub.

Go to the Staff Hub

How to apply

The University recognises that the CRC Program will be led by our industry partners and the RIC Major Initiatives team will provide support to University researchers and partners in meeting the Commonwealth dates for the upcoming rounds.

University of Melbourne involvement in any CRC bid must be reviewed by the RIC Major Initiatives team and endorsed by the relevant Academic Division/s and Chancellery (Research).

Supporting documents

CRC grants web page at


Cooperative Research Centres and CRC-Project queries and primary email

Key contacts

CRC inquiriesMichelle Kendall+61 3 8344 4385