Micro-Computed Tomography

micro-Computed Tomography reconstructs 3D image and enable to visualise inside the object without destroying the structure.

CT nanotom

A CT scan, also called X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) or computerized axial tomography scan (CAT scan), makes use of series of 2D X-ray images of an object taken from different angles (see left-hand image in figure below) to produce 3D cross-sectional (tomographic) images (virtual ‘slices’) of a scanned object (see right-hand image in figure below).

This 3D reconstruction from a CT scan allows the user to see inside the object without destroying the structure and produces contrast between different material types depending upon their relative composition and density.

A micro-CT scanner is specifically designed to study small objects (1 mm to 20 cm diameter) at high resolutions (1 to 70 micrometer).

A range of services are offered through the TrACEES platform, including:

  • High resolution scans using a nanotom m micro-CT scanner
  • Segmentation and quantitative data analysis
  • Quality control, material assessment
  • Method development for publication
  • Visualisation and animation within objects
  • Surface meshes for modelling and 3D printing

Examples of object types and analyses which can be conducted using this technique include:

  • Biological samples: imaging soft tissue and skeletal structure of preserved animals; quantifying segmented structure volume and distances; plant root distribution in soil
  • Geological samples: imaging mineralogical heterogeneity; grain size distribution, quantifying porosity and pore network analysis; simulated permeability; fossil structures
  • Engineered samples: imaging composite materials; quantifying aggregate or particle distributions; imaging fractures and pores within manufactured objects; 500 Newton compressive-tensile stage testing

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