Special workshop: Creating R packages (in collaboration with WEHI research computing platform)

This course is for statisticians, bioinformaticians, software engineers and other R users who have previously used R but who are now interested in learning how to develop new packages for publishing on CRAN or Bioconductor. Learning how to write an R package for distributing code will increase your ability to share your computational research work, and can significantly enhance publications you are associated with.

The course will provide an introduction to package development, including package testing, dependency management, vignette writing and data packaging.

The entire workshop is 4 hours, with a half-hour break for (BYO) lunch.

The event is free and will run in a hybrid version.

Pre-requisite: R programming, see prior workshop ‘Intro to R’

REGISTRATION: at this link https://forms.gle/uMeC1E9tHHdkemvN6 by 7th May and put a placeholder in your calendar (we will confirm your attendance by 14th May).

INSTRUCTOR: Michael Milton (Research Computing Platform)

TUTOR: Dr Saritha Kodikara (MIG)

DATE: Tuesday 21st May, 2024


VENUE: Dulcie Hollyock Room (G01), Baillieu Library, The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus