Building the Brief

People Process Place

The subject provides an insight into the design briefing process for a range of facilities, with the specific focus on learning and health environments. This subject examines the role of engaging with users/occupants of buildings and linking this to designers and other procurement consultants such as engineers, financial management and facility managers.


This subject examines evidence-based design, exemplars, planning processes including consultation and engagement, change management, spatial literacy, workplace pedagogies, androgogy, workplace cultures, affinities and relationships diagrams, schedules of accommodation and programming, it also includes the role of engaging with users/occupants of buildings and linking this to designers and other procurement consultants such as engineers, financial management and facility managers.


Student Outcomes

Students will achieve the following graduate competencies in this unit:

  • Community and user consultation skills;
  • Research into evidence-based design;
  • The strategic and architectural briefing process;
  • An understanding of facility planning & the scope of responsibilities & tools used;
  • Communication in written, diagrammatic and verbal forms;
  • Writing of briefs for different audiences;
  • Cross-disciplinary engagement and working in teams.

LEaRN Staff

Banner: St Columba's Sophia Library, Hayball. Photo by Diana Snape.