New group leader joins MIG

Professor Michael Stumpf joins MIG

In a great coup for The University of Melbourne and MIG (@MelbIntGen) Professor Michael Stumpf has joined the School of BioSciences and School of Mathematics and Statistics as Professor of Theoretical Systems Biology.

Originally from Bavaria, he studied physics at the Universities of Tübingen and Göttingen and did his Diploma at the Max-Planck-Institute for Fluid Dynamics before going to Oxford to study for a DPhil in condensed matter theory. In 1999 he moved to the Department of Zoology in Oxford to work with Bob May, investigating evolutionary, stochastic and dynamical processes in biology. He joined Imperial College in 2003, where he also held a chair in Theoretical Systems Biology and won a Wolfson Merit Award and the Rector's Medal for Excellence in Research Supervision. He was in Melbourne in 2013 as a Miegunyah Distinguished Fellow.

He has published widely on regulatory and signalling networks, multi-scale models of biological systems, mechanistic models for cellular machines, evolutionary theory and statistical inference. His office (Room 120) is on Level 1 of Building 184 (Old Microbiology).

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Michael Stumpf