City Resilience Strategies

City actions contributing to resilient urban futures

This project compiles a database of actions being undertaken by cities involved in the 100 Resilient Cities Network, established by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2013. The Network provides member cities from around the world with resources to establish a holistic framework for responding, adapting and transforming in the face of abrupt shocks and long-term stresses and thus becoming more resilient.

We analyse and compare the characteristics of actions set out in city resilience strategies developed through the 100 Resilient Cities program according to a range of attributes including lead actor, timescale, focus, geographical scale, impact metrics and financing. Importantly, we consider how the initiative frames resilience, whether and how the initiative is systemically scaling up its impacts, and the city networks evident in collaboration, learning and benchmarking between cities.

Through this research, we aim to build a clearer picture of global city resilience activity and to better understand and evaluate the drivers and scope of those actions.

Project Contact

  • Ihnji Jon
    Ihnji Jon, Lecturer in International Urban Politics